
Archive for the ‘OpenAct’ Category

OpenAct 7th July 2012


More APIs for Indian market

In our last event , we have talked about 18 APIs that are available for the Indian context. That is, if you are looking at developing apps/mashups for Indian market. We are excited to share with you, more APIs that we have come across since then. You will surely derive value of it, and understand a thing or two around accessing them.

Indian API Eco-System

A quick 10 minutes recap on what we discussed about in the last event, and the feedback we got on that.

We have also blogged about the first event here. And updated slides and videos.

APIs for your business and Business models for your APIs

Whether you are a provider, or a developer. It is very important for you to identify the right business models around the APIs you are exposing/consuming.

For example, Twitter’s API model – is it a right example or a wrong one? There have been many success stories around Twitter API. At the same time there was an outrage in the developer community when twitter built its own photo service.

We will touch upon more examples and models and a hearty debate on what will most likely result in success in your API journey.

Apart from understanding what is happening in the API space, you will understand on how to strategize your own business models around API consumption/exposure.

Discussion around the next, hands on Meet/Session

One of the very important feedback we got is around having hands on meet, where we work on technologies around consuming APIs, and building the APPs that we came up with in our last meet. Lets talk about it and see what time/technology should we pick for this one, and what are our options around it.

Apart from the main agenda, here is what you can always expect

Quality Q&A time

Networking over nice snacks and coffee

Promise to meet like minded people, exchange ideas

This meet-up is an invite only event. Please let us know your interest by filling this form, we will get back to you with more details.

Meetup date: 7th July 2012

Meetup time: 2 hours (Starting at 4.30 # in the evening)

Venue: Intel Old Airport Campus, Opposite to “The Leela Palace”.


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